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Cypher System: Unmasked (Special Order Only)

RPG's » Cypher System: Unmasked (Special Order Only)


$44.99 Out of Stock



  • A complete, ready-to-play campaign setting of superpowers and psychological horror for the Cypher System.
  • Four new types and a load of new foci—and a new approach to superpowers. In your mask form you might be a Metal Head Smasher who Lives on the Dark Side or a Show-O Changer who Flies by Night, but on school days you’re a regular teen dealing with bullies, grades, and New Wave fashion.
  • The complete, ready-to-use town of Boundary Bay, NY, as well as detailed information and guidance on creating your own small-town setting—or using your own town, circa 1986!
  • New creatures, NPCs, and threats.
  • A complete adventure set in Ocean View High School, plus a plethora of tools and advice for building your own adventures and campaigns based around the mystery of the masks.

Unmasked is a complete campaign setting for the Cypher System. You need the Cypher System Rulebook to play Unmasked.


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