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Remember Frankie?

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Remember Frankie? is a storytelling game about creating a shared history at the crossroads of memory and fiction for 3-4 players by Rhodrick Magsino.

Players will reminisce about an imaginary person using real memories - playfully twisting the facts of their story to create a thematic veil of mystery. Anecdotal stories about Frankie are accompanied by stylized lyrics composed by the other players, breathing life into Frankie’s persona while emphasizing the connection players have to each other.

The full color, high quality print zine contains:

Core rules, easy enough to teach and play in under an hour

13 play settings that allow high replay and provide creative writing tools settings with thematic prompts and randomization charts

Game-play dialogue with sample anecdotes from the designer's personal life

Story mechanics allow players to blend real memories into the fiction of the game. 

Licensed Mental Health Clinicians (LMHC) approved game settings for expressive group therapy.

Campaign song-writing options

Abstract/psychedelic artwork inspired by vintage academic textbooks.


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