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Ogor Mawtribes: Gutbusters: Ogor Gluttons

Miniature Wargames » Warhammer » Grand Alliance Destruction » Ogor Mawtribes » Ogor Mawtribes: Gutbusters: Ogor Gluttons


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Brand New $59.99 1



The Gutbusters exist as nomadic empires of warmongering ogors. Larger and stronger than most other races of the realms, they range across the lands robbing and raiding to keep their caravans filled with victuals. They worship Gorkamorka as the Great Beast that Consumes the World, their driving ambition to devour the Mortal Realms. To the Gutbusters, everything is either food for now or food for later, and their minds are forever fixated on where their next juicy meal is coming from. Many favour bludgeoning weapons, and sometimes even blunt their blades, so as not to lose any precious blood or ruin organs when they slay their enemies, saving the tenderised meat-bags for a bit of snacking later on.

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