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Fyreslayers: Battlesmith (OOP)

Miniature Wargames » Warhammer » Grand Alliance Order » Fyreslayers » Fyreslayers: Battlesmith (OOP)


$34.99 Out of Stock



Artisans of renown, trusted with the honour of forging and carrying the standard of their lodge, a Battlesmith is the living memory of the Fyreslayers. A lodge is known by its reputation and deeds, and each hard-fought victory is a credit to their name. Battlesmiths stand proudly at the fore of their ranks, witnessing every moment of war for later recitation. Not only a chronicler, each Battlesmith is a fearsome warrior in his own right - not only do they carry aloft the sacred icon of Grimnir, they undertake to protect it at all costs; their skill with a fyresteel throwing axe is prodigious, and they use their ancestral battleaxe to butcher any enemy who gets too close.

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