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Fallout: Wasteland Warfare: Creatures: Nukalurks

Miniature Wargames » Fallout Wasteland Warfare » Fallout: Wasteland Warfare: Creatures: Nukalurks


$41.99 Out of Stock



This miniatures set is part of the NUKA WORLD wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare!

‘At the very least, they’re easier to see coming now...’

Mercifully unique to the advertisement plastered ruins of The World of Refreshment, Nukalurks are a bizarre mutation to the ‘standard’ Mirelurk, suffused with the delicious hue of Nuka-Cola Quantum and a healthy blue glow. Somehow, Nukalurks are more violently territorial than their original-flavour cousins, and more than one Nuka-enthusiast has been dragged below the surface of the Nuka-World river by these crustacean terrors.


  • 2x Nukalurks

This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains two 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniature with two 40mm scenic bases.

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