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Don't LLAMA Dice

Board Games » Don't LLAMA Dice


$14.99 Out of Stock



With the right roll of the dice in Don't L.L.A.M.A. Dice, you can rid yourself of number cards — but you'll need to quit at the right time before you possibly bomb out and collect a lot of minus points. You can possibly ditch these points later, but you'll need the perfect number roll or triple llama luck.

In more detail, the game lasts a number of rounds, and at the start of each round you lay out the seven "black-backed" cards that show a llama and the numbers 1-6 in a "llama row". You're dealt six cards from the deck — which consists of llama cards and cards numbered 1-6 — and you lay those cards in front of you.

You play multiple rounds until one player has collected 40 or more points, at which time the player with the fewest points wins.


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